View your team's task list

Find out how to search and apply filters to your task list for simple, efficient management.

The task list contains the tasks of all your team members.  The filter options will help you manage your tasks quickly and efficiently.

Filter tasks

  1. Click on the Tasks button in the main menu.
  2. Click on the filters in the left-hand vertical menu.  Results appear instantly.
  3. Click on the Reset filters button to view all tasks.

    Filtrer les tâches - EN

Filter principles and tips

  • The number to the right of the filter indicates the number of tasks associated with it.
  • When a filter is applied, its name appears in pale green.
  • You can deactivate a filter by clicking on it again.
  • When you select more than one filter option, tasks must meet all criteria to be displayed.
  • If you don't find the results you're looking for, remember to reset the criteria by clicking on the Reset filters button at the bottom of the left-hand vertical menu.