Modify a contact

Find out how to modify contact information in just a few clicks.

Contact information can be modified from any category.

Modify the contact file

  1. Click on the Add or Modify button of any personal information category.  The edit panel opens on the right.
  2. Scroll down to the desired category and enter the information in the fields.
  3. When you have finished, click on the Save button at the bottom of the editing panel.

The changes appear instantly in the Recent activities of the contact record.

You can compare the new information with the old using the Changes view in Recent Activities.

Categories of personal information

Personal information is grouped into the following categories:

  • Personal information (telephone, address, e-mail)
  • Relationships (clickable links between contact records)
  • Financial objectives (list of objectives)
  • Recommendations
  • Biography (profession, education, interests)
  • Physical characteristics
  • Lifestyle habits (smoking status, alcohol)
  • Sensitive information (SIN, driver's license)
  • Legal documents (wills, power of attorney, etc.)