May 2024 - What's new at Laylah

Customized analysis report, enhanced tasks, new contact filters and the addition of 4 data feeds.

Here are the latest additions to Laylah in recent weeks.

All these additions are now available in your environment.

Configuring your environment / firm information

You can now configure your company presentation, adding your address and logo.

This information can be found on the advisor's presentation page, which is included in the analysis report.

This is what the configuration section looks like:

Exemple config info environnement - EN

See the article Configuring my environment information to find out more.

Add your profile photo

Adding your own profile photo is a great way to personalize your Laylah.

What's more, the profile photo is added to the advisor presentation page of the analysis report.

See the Add my profile photo article for more information.

Configure the advisor presentation page for the analysis report

Presenting a nice analysis report is good, but presenting a customized report is even better.

Personalizing the advisor's presentation page by adding your photo, professional title, phone number and e-mail address will help you stand out from the crowd.

Here's what the configuration page and preview looks like:

Configuration page conseiller - EN

Preview page conseiller - EN

Personalization of the disclaimer in the analysis report

We've added a disclaimer that you can include in the analysis report for all your users.  You can, of course, modify it as you wish.  The disclaimer will be the same for all your users.

Here's an example:

Configuration de lavis de non responsabilité - EN

See Customize your disclaimer for more information.

Adding filters to the contact list

For your convenience, we've added filter options to the contact list.  You can filter contacts by type (individual, company, favorites), by assignee, by status, by label and by data source.

Options de filtre de contact - EN

By autumn, we'll be adding more advanced search options for data extraction.  Stay tuned for future publications!

Task improvements

Task type

To give you even greater flexibility in using tasks, we've added a type field.  We've created call, email, follow-up, update and other types, but you can add your own custom types.

Multiple contacts per task

You can now associate multiple contacts per task, which is useful when working on couple files, for example.

Tâche avec 2 contacts - EN

Accessing the contact form from tasks

Accessing the contact file linked to a task is as simple as clicking on the contact's name in the Linked contacts section.

Adding new data feeds

Here is a list of our latest data feeds for insurance and investment synchronization:


  • Sun Life


  • Groupe Cloutier (Winfund)
  • Investia (Univeris)
  • Peak (Univeris)

Upcoming data sources include Mica (Winfund), IDC (RepVision) and Equitable.

Follow our next communications to be informed as soon as they become available.