Do a disability analysis

Find out how to do a complete disability analysis in just a few minutes, without even leaving the contact file!

Laylah offers you a simple, fast and complete disability analysis for all your clients.

Information from the contact file, including date of birth, smoking status, relationship to a couple and insurance coverage, is included in the disability analysis to avoid double entry.

Just complete the budget in the financial data section and you're ready to begin your analysis.

💡 To find out more, see the article Enter financial data prior to analysis.

Presentation of the disability analysis

The disability analysis has 6 sections:

Analyse invalidité - EN

  1. Scenarios
    • You can create multiple scenarios in the disability analysis.
    • Data, results, pins and recommendations are unique to each scenario.
    • When creating a report, you can select the scenario(s) to be presented.
  2. Data and analysis assumptions
    • All the sections in the left-hand column are split into 2 parts:
      • Needs calculation - Select the calculation method between Maximum coverage and Expense Coverage and complete the fields.
      • Actual coverages - They are automatically added from the client's insurance.  You can modify them by clicking on the edit button Crayon dédition.
  3. Factual data
    • This data can be useful in your discussions with your client.
  4. Pins
    • File notes for this scenario. 
    • You can create multiple pins per scenario.
    • They are not included in the final report.
    • Recommendations
    • Recommendations for this scenario.
    • You can create multiple recommendations for each scenario.

Create a disability analysis

  1. Click on the analysis button IC Analyses in the left-hand vertical menu of the contact form.
  2. Click on the Analyses and calculations button in the horizontal menu.
  3. Select Disability analysis.
  4. Click on the Add analysis button if no analysis is present.

    Créer une analyse invalidité - EN
  5. Complete the analysis data in the left-hand section and note the results on the right.

    Saisir les données de lanalyse invalidité - EN