1. Laylah help center
  2. Configuration and administration

Defining user roles

Select the appropriate role for each of your users.

Roles define what a user can or cannot do in your environment.  

All users, regardless of the role assigned to them, have access to all contacts in the environment.

Description of user roles


Owners can

  • Manage subscriptions
  • Manage customer transfers
  • Manage sharing between environments
  • Manage billing
  • Add or deactivate users
  • Add or deactivate extensions
  • Customize contact and task elements
  • Configure data sources (insurance and placement)
  • Manage duplicates


Administrators can

  • Add or deactivate users
  • Add or deactivate extensions
  • Customize contact and task elements
  • Configure data sources (insurance and placement)
  • Manage duplicates


Advisors can

  • Add or modify contacts
  • Be added as assigned to contacts
  • Create, modify or delete insurances and investments
  • Be linked to an agent code
  • Add, modify or delete documents
  • Perform financial analyses
  • Be identified as a representative in the financial analysis report


Assistants can

  • Add or modify contacts
  • Create, modify or delete insurances and investments
  • Add, modify or delete documents
  • Perform financial analyses

Basically, assistants cannot be assigned to contacts, linked to an agent code and identified as a representative in the financial analysis report.

Multiple roles

A user can have more than one role.  It is therefore possible for an assistant to also have the role of administrator, just as it is possible for an owner to also be an advisor.