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  2. Data sources
  3. Configure insurance data synchronization

Configure Manulife source

Find out how to easily synchronize your Manulife insurance data with Laylah by following this quick and easy procedure.

Laylah connects to Manulife Repsource to synchronize your contacts' insurance data.  Follow these steps to take advantage of Manulife data synchronization.

Configure Manulife source

Time: approx. Two minutes.

What you need


  1. Click on the button Data in the main menu.
  2. Click on the option Add New Source and select Manulife source.
  3. Click on the Configure button and enter your account information:
    1. Enter a description: the description allows you to distinguish this configuration from that of your colleagues.
    2. Enter username: the username of your Advisor Manulife ID.
    3. Enter password: your password of your Advisor Manulife ID.
  4. Click on Test credentials and wait for the security code request.
    1. Enter the Security code that Manulife sent you by email on your mobile device and click on Confirm.

Et voilà!

Initial synchronization of all contacts is launched automatically.

Contacts and their insurance contracts usually appear within an hour of configuration.  This may take longer if there are several hundred clients to synchronize.

Useful tips for more efficient synchronization

Access to firm data

If one of your colleagues has access to Manulife to view all the firm's contracts, we suggest that you configure his or her access to Manulife Source to simplify your operations.

Features of Manulife source

Advisor access to Repsource allows us to retrieve Manulife life, disability and critical illness insurance.  It also imports annual statements for certain types of insurance contract.

Contact list import
Periodic import of new contacts
Insurance import
Investment import
Search by name
Search by policy number Under development
Full initial synchronization
Contacts and insurances
Automatic document import


If the configuration fails

If the configuration doesn't work, it's usually because the configuration information is wrong.

You can test your Advisor Manulife ID via this URL:  https://id.manulife.ca/advisor/

Advisor Manulife ID connection screen:

Connexion Manuvie En