Advanced search and report

Easily find your customers' birthdays, insurance renewals, opportunities and more with Laylah's advanced search and reports.

The advanced search and reporting tool allows you to create customized searches to identify your insurance renewals, mortgage maturities, clients with a certain value of assets under management, clients with insurance but no RRSP and much more;

Only 3 small steps are required to create the reports you need.

Here are some examples of reports already created in our demo environment:

Liste rapport - EN

Let the integrated tutorial guide you

When you create your first report, you'll be guided through a short tutorial that will show you how the search tool works, so you'll find it easy to use right from the start.

Simply follow the steps to the end, or click Pass to skip the tutorial.

Tutoriel rapport - EN

If you missed the tutorial, here it is on video.

Create a report

Step 1 - Select search type

This step is important, as it determines what will be displayed as results.

To help you, you can say out loud what you're looking for as results;

Here's an example with insurance renewals.

Exemple 1

"I'm looking for insurance renewals for January." 

Selecting type Insurance will give you a list of insurance policies.

Example 2

"I'm looking for clients who have insurance that renews in January."

Selecting type Person will give you a list people who have insurance that renews in January.

Step 2 - Refine your search with filters

Filters allow you to display only the results that interest you.

For example, for January birthdays, your filter will look like this.

Filtre anniversaire - EN The more filters you add, the more specific your search will be, as all conditions must be met.

Step 3 - Select the fields you want in your final report

You can select as many fields as you like, all of which will be displayed in the result screen and exported to Excel if required.

Click on Overview to see the results.

View and use results

In addition to viewing the results on-screen, you can use it to consult the associated file and return to the results without losing your search;

Here's an example with birthdays.

View nested results

In some cases, you'll get nested results, with slightly different consultations.

This is the case when you select insurance, investment, asset or liability fields for person or organization searches.

These fields are slightly offset from the others when you select them.

Rapport - Champs décalés - EN

Here's how these results appear in the report.

Save, modify and export your reports

The Actions button at the bottom right of the results allows you to save, modify or export your report.

Raport - Bouton Actons - EN