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  2. Configuration and administration

Add a user

Find out how quick and easy it is to add users to your environment.

Adding users to your environment is easy.

Requirements: Have the role of Owner or Administrator.

  1. Click on Configuration in the horizontal menu.
  2. Click on My team in the left-hand vertical menu.
  3. Click on Invite a new person.

    Mon équipe - EN
  4. Enter their first name, last name and the e-mail address they will use to authenticate themselves.

    Formulaire dinvitation - EN
  5. Select their role from the following:
    • Owner
    • Administrator
    • Advisor
    • Assistant
  6. Click on Save.

Your colleague will receive an e-mail invitation with instructions on how to activate her access.

As soon as your colleague has activated her access, she will become part of your team and will have access to all the resources in your environment.

The activation link is only valid for 24 hours.  If your colleague takes too long to activate his or her access, you'll have to send a new invitation.  

See the next section for details.

💡 Learn more about user roles in the article Defining user roles.

What to do if your colleague doesn't receive the invitation?

The first step is to check your spam folder.  If the invitation isn't there, you can resend it to him.

  1. From My Team section, click on the user's name.
  2. Click on Resend invitation

    Renvoyer linvitation - EN

What effect will the addition have on the subscription cost?

The cost of the seat (user) will be prorated to the number of days remaining in your environment's billing cycle, and billed at the end of the day.

So, if you add and deactivate users in the same day, the net number of users added or deactivated will be adjusted and billed in a single day.