Using notifications

Find out how to make sure you don't miss a thing with notifications.

Laylah sends you notifications in certain circumstances:

  • End of contact synchronization
  • Disconnection of a source
  • Today's task
  • Notify a colleague in a comment

Bouton notification - EN

The notification icon shows the number of unread notifications.

View notifications

  1. Click on the notification icon Icône Notification to display the list.

    Liste des notifications - EN
  • Click on the notification to mark it as read and find out more about it.
  • The green dot Notif non lue indicates that the notification is unread.
  • Click on Indiquer notif non lue to mark a notification as unread and make the green dot appear again.
  • Click on Archiver notif to archive the notification.  
  • Archived notifications can be found in the Archived section.