Define relationships between your contacts in just a few clicks to get an overview of family and business links.
Establishing relationships between your contacts allows you to quickly find out what the link between them is. It could be a different type of relationship like spouse, family, employee/employer, shareholders/company or reference.
Link contact files
- Click on Add to the Relation section on the left of the contact form, just below the Personal information section.
- Enter the name of the contact to be linked to this file in the Contact field, then select the contact from the list.
- Select the link that defines the relationship between these two contacts.
- See the result under the contact's name and in the Relation section.
💡 If you can't find the contact to connect in step 2, add it manually.
See Add a contact if necessary.
When synchronizing insurance or investment accounts, if more than one person is identified with these insurances or investments, we automatically create the relationship between these people with the Unknown link.
All you have to do is select the appropriate link.