1. Laylah help center
  2. Configuration and administration

Manage extensions of your environment

Customize your Laylah experience by adding the extensions you need.

You can add or remove functions or extensions to your Laylah environment at any time to adapt it to your needs.

Here's how.

Add an extension

  1. Click on Administration in the main menu, then on Extensions in the left-hand vertical menu.
  2. The list of installed extensions appears.
  3. Click on Install an extension and select the extension you wish to install.
  4. Click on the Install button.

Et voilà !

Remove an extension

  1. Click on Administration in the main menu, then on Extensions in the left-hand vertical menu.
  2. The list of installed extensions appears.
  3. Select the extension you wish to remove and click on the Uninstall button.

Et voilà !

Removing or uninstalling an extension does not delete any data.

If you reinstall the extension at a later date, the data that was present in the extension will be accessible again.

If you don't see the Administration option in the main menu, ask an administrator in your environment to make the change.