Discover the contact file

Discover the differents section of Laylah's contact file

The contact file contains all the information you need to keep track of your customers' insurance policies, investment portfolios and much more.

It gives you access to its personal information, documents, financial analyses, email exchanges, appointments, upcoming tasks and a complete history of actions that have taken place for this contact.

Découvrir la fiche contact - EN

Here are the main sections of the contact file:

1 - Navigation buttons

The navigation buttons give you access to the different views of the contact file.

IC Contact Show the global view of the contact.
IC Placement Show the investments of the contact.
IC Assurance Show the insurance policies of the contact.
IC Analyses Show the financial analysis of the contact.
IC Dossier Show the documents of the contact.

2 - Action buttons

Action buttons let you perform the most frequent actions in your customer files.

Épingle Add a pin to the contact.  This is a temporary note like a Post-it.
Tâche Add a task to the contact.
Appeler Starts a phone call to the main number in the contact file.
Google Show contacts' address on Google Map.
Synchroniser - EN Synchronizes insurance and investment data of this contact.

💡 Learn more in the article: Synchronizing contact data.

3 - Contact's Financial Summary

The investment summary shows account balances by plan type (RRSP, TFSA, etc.).

The insurance summary shows the sum of life, disability and critical illness insurance coverage.

Résumé assurance et placement - EN

Click on View Investments or View Insurance to see details.  This is another way to access the investment or the insurance view.

4 - Additional contact information

Your contact information is grouped into the following categories:

  • Personal information (telephone, address, email)
  • Relationships (clickable links between contact files)
  • Financial objectives (list of objectives)
  • Recommendations
  • Biography (profession, education, interests)
  • Physical characteristics
  • Lifestyle habits (smoking status, alcohol)
  • Sensitive information (SIN, driver's licence)
  • Legal documents (wills, power of attorney, etc.)
  • Data sources (list of sources that synchronize data for this contact)

You can edit or add information to each of these categories by clicking on the Add or Modify button at the top right of the category.

5 - Pins and tasks

This section of the contact file shows pins and upcoming tasks for the contact.
Deleted pins and completed tasks can still be found in the Pins and Tasks section of the timeline (see next point).

6 - Recent activities in the timeline

The timeline shows your contact history.  It allows you to track the actions of your colleagues and Laylah, as well as communications with your contacts.  All separated by the following types:


Displays all activities that have been carried out in the contact file.  This could be adding a document, modifying an address, deleting a pin or postponing a task.  Every action is systematically logged.


Shows the creation, modification and deletion history of tasks for the contact.


Shows the creation, modification and deletion history of pins for the contact.


Displays the list of meetings with the contact.


Presents a comparative table of changes for a given item.  

For example, customer address, insurance renewal date, job description, etc.

Changement - Tâche - EN


Comments are permanent notes in the contact file.  All members of your team can respond to comments, making it easier to collaborate and keep important information in the contacts file.

💡 Learn more in the article: Using comments