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Configure the advisor's presentation page

Find out how to configure the advisor presentation page available in the analysis report.

The analysis report allows you to add a personalized presentation page containing your professional title, contact details, photo and an introductory text describing the financial advisor's role.  Here's how to customize this information.

From the profile button.

  1. Click on the icon with your initials or photo in the top right-hand corner and select the Advisor Presentation option.

    Bouton Présentatino du conseiller - EN
  2. Complete the details of the firm for which you work as an advisor in the section on the left. 

    Présentation du conseiller - EN
  3. If you represent another firm, in particular if you offer mutual funds, check the box Second company represented and complete the information relating to this company in the section on the right.
  4. Modify the advisor's presentation text as required.
  5. Click on Save.

To view the result, follow step 1 above and click on the Preview button.

Aperçu conseiller - EN

Et voilà !

From the analysis report.

We've added a shortcut in the analysis report to allow you to configure your advisor presentation.

  1. From the Results & Reports section of any analysis, click on the edit pencil in the Advisor presentation section.
  2. Complete the fields as indicated in steps 2 to 5 above.

Et voilà !

To view the result, click on the eye icon in the Advisor presentation section.

You must have the Advisor role to access the Advisor presentation option in the menu.

Ask your administrator to grant you the Advisor role if this has not yet been done.