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Add my business address and logo to Laylah

Find out how to personalize your Laylah environment by adding your own information and logo.

Your environment information is your company's contact information.  You can specify the name, title, address and add your logo.  Here's how to do it.

Modify your company information.

  1. Click on Settings in the main menu.
  2. Select My environment from the left-hand vertical menu.
  3. Complete the Name, title and address sections.

    Modifier les infos de lenvironnement - EN
  4. Click on Save.

Et voilà !

Add your company logo.

  1. Click on the logo editing pencil and import your logo.
  2. Make adjustments to the position and click Apply.

    Ajuster le logo - EN

Et voilà !

The Title field is used to define your firm's title.  The proposed titles respect the titles related to your firm's registration with the AMF.
If you do business under your own name, the name of your environment can be your own name and the title can be Independent Representative.

You need to be an administrator to make these changes.

Contact one of the administrators of your environment if you do not have access to these sections.