View recent history

Find out how to search your practice's history so you don't miss a thing.

The recent history shows on a timeline all the actions performed by Laylah or your colleagues.

  • In the dashboard, it displays the actions linked to all your contacts.
  • In the contact form, it displays actions related to the contact only.

It is literally your firm's organizational memory, and nothing escapes it.

View recent history

You can consult each page of the timeline one by one, but there are 2 more efficient ways of finding what you're looking for.


Search through the entire history by name, contract number and more. See below for a list of what can be searched in the history.


Filter by user or by item such as person, organization, insurance, investment and more.  See below for a list of what can be searched in the history.


History in the dashboard

Historique récent - EN

History in the contact file

Historique fiche contact - EN

Search in history

  1. Click on the Search button.
  2. Enter your search in the field that appears.

Apply a filter to the history

  1. Click on the Filter button.
  2. Select a User and/or an Item from the drop-down menus.

You can select a user and an item at the same time for more precise results.  

Filtrer lhistorique - EN

Items that can be selected as filters and items that can be searched for each item.

You can apply a filter to each of these items.

This table also shows what you can search for in each item.

For example, you can find an insurance contract with its number, a contact with its name, or even a recommendation with part of its content. 


What to search for in this item

Analysis Name of the scenario
Asset Name of the asset
Calendar event Title and description of the event
Comment Content of comments
Document Name of the document
Email Email subject and content
Insurance policy Insurance policy number
Investment Investment account number
Liability Liability name
Organization Organization contact name
Person Person contact name
Pin Content of pins
Recommendation Content of recommendations
Task Title of tasks