Show or hide data from multiple sources in the contact file

Find out how to change the way contact data is displayed.

Show or hide data from multiple sources in the contact form.

  1. Click on the Add or Modify button of any personal information category.  The edit panel opens on the right.
  2. Click on the button Info du champ to view its data source.
  3. Click on the View other sources button.

    Affiche donnée Nom - EN
  4. Click on the visibility icon to show or hide data:
    • Donnée visible Visible data.
    • Donnée masquée Hidden data.
  5. Click on the Save button

Some fields, such as the name or date of birth, can only display one piece of data at a time.  You won't be able to select multiple data for these fields.

If you hide all sources for a field, no data will appear for that field in the contact form.  Make sure you display at least one source.